Easy Ways to Reduce GHG Emission ! - Saving Energy Campaign

08.09 rafi 0 Comments

Hello guys ! These are several works that has been done by Climate Policy group 3 to campaign about Saving the Energy !

First, you should know "Why is it important to us to Reduce the GHG Emission?"
The answer is simple !

Have you heard Climate Change? I bet you have heard about it, at least understand what climate change is. We can define Climate as an average condition of weather on the Long term (at least 30 years) to re-evaluate it. Basically climate refers to the average condition of the Weather by evaluating several Meteorology parameter such as Temperature or Rainfall. Climate change closely related to the Global Warming. If we see the average temperature of the Earth, you will see there's an increasing pattern exponentially that indicate we're having Global warming right now. The effect? Wah, a lot of things! You may see the increase of Tropical Typhoon phenomenon (Because typhoon is one of Earth's mechanism to balance the temperature on Earth !), extreme weather that will increase Flood or drought even, El-Nino, La-Nina or a lot of Global Anomali events, forest-fire, changing the pattern life of Animal (for example : Bird and Caterpillar life pattern, you may check the IPCC report), agriculture, and many aspects of Life !
Climate Change Effect globally illustration
Illustration of Climate Change Effect around the world

Actually, it's easy to get involved to the Movement, even by changing the way of our life.
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What have you got? It's still the beginning! You may do the second and third part, but .... You may do these as well !

Saving Energy !
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Let's Calculate !

Assume every lamp has 10 watt power, if we use it for 1 hour, the emission would be 9.51 g CO2 (Woah, it seems small .... but wait!). If we assume that every student use the lamp for 10 hour (could be more, thought), the total emission would be 95.1 g CO2, right? If there are 12000 ITB students, then the emission would be (1141.2 Kg CO2). One year? Congratz ! ITB Students has produced ..... 416.538 Ton CO2. Okey, FYI, the age of CO2 on Atmosphere is about 150 years, so, if we produce 416.538 Ton CO2 today, it will dissapear on 2165. It's great, right? That's why we need you ! To get involved by changing a simple way of life .... Let's Save the Energy !

Although if you save 1 hour or reduce 9.51 g CO2, Imagine if ..... Everyone do it? We're literally saving the Earth, ok?

Using Alternative Vehicles

So, after having Intern on Ministry of Environmental and Forestry, I do realize that Transportation is one of the biggest problem on Indonesia policy. Even transportation is second Ranked for the GHG Emission based on the Badan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah data. This is why, it's important to tell you how to get involved through this Issue. And honestly, it's easy to do something about it !

Check it out!
Saving energy campaign for climate policy class 7 (My poster!)
Well, this is one of mine. I must say that, as a student, if I go to campus by walking, I could save more than 4000 rupiah and Yes, it helps me a lot ! No need to pay Gases, ticket, and yes there's no Traffic at all! And of course it could make you more Healthy, save money, and SAVE THE EARTH!

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There is one more way to save the Earth, if you think that it's hard to walk or biking .... Car sharing is the Best one! Well, not only saving the Earth, you could make more friends, ecpanding your network, Silaturahmi, you won't be bored to ride alone, and etc.

3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycling)

Like transportation, Liquid or Solid waste is one of the biggest issues through GHG Emission on DKI Jakarta. What you need to do is simple, by doing 3R, you could save the energy through the Production. And yes, you can save more money and having clean Environment!
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So guys, that's several thing we could do to get involved this movement .... Stay good and share it if you care, Global warming is one of Greatest Issue that need to be resolved, and we need you, you, and you to Save the Earth for our next Generation. Bye !

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